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(English) Wedlake Bell On Eu’s Proposed Trust Disclosure Rules

By Camilla Wallace and Edward Craft

Published by Wealth Briefing

August 12th, 2016

Trusts are part of an international drive for great transparency about beneficial ownership and control. A great deal is at stake for Common Law jurisdictions in which trusts are a feature, as this article argues.

Recent years have seen a number of […]

(English) OCDE es la mayor amenaza mundial al Estado de Derecho

Por Hana Fischer

Panam Post

Publicado el 28 julio, 2016

La OCDE es una amenaza para el hombre común, porque como Lord Acton advierte, el poder corrompe y el poder absoluto corrompe absolutamente. (Common)

En estos momentos los amantes de la libertad deberían estar más preocupados que nunca porque las amenazas […]

Califican de ‘doble moral’ actuación de países de la OCDE

By Roberto González Jiménez Published on La Prensa July 11, 2016

They are engaging in some of the same practices they have criticized Panama for.

Members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) are making adjustments to their tax regimes in an attempt to attract […]

(English) Panama Canal NYT Article Disappointingly Omits the Real Story

By Alan Krause

Denver, Colorado


June 27, 2016

On Sunday, June 26, Panama celebrated the opening of their new canal, capable of passing the new breed of Neopanamax vessels carrying three times the container capacity of the existing locks built more than 100 years ago. Panama should be incredibly proud […]

OMC reitera fallo a favor de Panamá

Luis Bellini

08 jun 2016 – 06:35h

La Prensa

The World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled yesterday in favor of Panama in a dispute with Colombia over the application of a joint tariff on imports of textiles, clothing and footwear that was adopted in March 2013 by the South American country.

The body upheld […]

(English) Panama Papers, Tax Planning, and Political Corruption

by Dan Mitchell

April 7, 2016

I wrote a couple of days ago about the “Panama Papers” issue and touched on the key issues. I explained that this non-scandal scandal is simply another chapter in the never-ending war by high-tax governments against tax competition, fiscal sovereignty, and financial privacy.

Here are a few of […]

(English) For research, we pretended to be crooks and terrorists and tried to buy shell companies. The results were disturbing.

The Washington Post

By Jason Sharman

April 7th, 2016 The Panama Papers consist of 11.5 million documents from Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca. The papers apparently implicate a number of high-profile global figures in potentially illegal financial activities. (The Washington Post)

People across the world, including world leaders, have been variously scandalized, enraged, and […]

GAO (Oficina de Rendición de Cuentas del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos)

Highlights of GAO-06-376, a report to the Collected and Available Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate:

Proyecto Senador Levin: Conozca A Su Cliente

EXPOSICION DE MOTIVOS La primera vez que Levin presentó este proyecto fue en el 2006 luego del demoledor Informe de la GAO contra las corporaciones y LLC de EE.UU. por no exigir la identidad del cliente o beneficiario de las personas jurídicas. Esta legislación no fue aprobada. Se volvió a presentar […]

(English) Special Meeting of the Permanent Council, March 30th, 2016
