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(English) Let´s Protect the Goose That Lays the Golden Eggs

Eduardo Morgan Jr.

In September 1996, I was appointed Panama’s ambassador to the U.S. These were crucial times for [our bilateral relationship], for the U.S. presence in Panama was coming to and end. There was tension stemming from accusations that our country was not doing enough in the fight against drug trafficking and money laundering. […]

(English) Obama’s Revival of Clinton-Era Interest-Reporting Regulation Threatens U.S. Economy

By The Center for Freedom and Prosperity

(Washington, D.C., Thursday, January 6, 2011) President Obama’s Treasury Department has proposed a new Internal Revenue Service regulation (REG-146097-09) that would overturn existing law and force American banks to report the interest paid to all nonresident aliens. This ill-considered rule is a retread of a Clinton-era proposal that […]