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Extracto del Editorial del Washington Times

By Richard Rahn

The Washington Times

Monday, February 17, 2014

It’s foolish to fund organizations that demand even more money

If you became aware that the advice you were receiving from your economic advisers was causing you to get poorer rather than richer, how long would you keep them?

Among […]

Agenda de la OCDE amenaza la prosperidad de Panamá

By Andrew F. Quinlan & Brian Garst

Earlier this year, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released its finalized Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information. The standard boasts requirements for sharing of a variety of information, including full account balances, that constitute both an intrusion on personal privacy and a costly […]

(English) Great Moments in the Failed and Costly War against Money Laundering

By Dan Mitchell

February 26, 2014

Time for another great moment in red tape.

I wrote a couple of weeks ago that banks treat customers poorly in part because of bad laws and regulations from Washington.

Money laundering laws were adopted beginning about 30 years ago based […]