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(English) Switzerland Must Stand Up For Its Financial Centre, Says Geneva Professor

Philippe Braillard, University of Geneva , Emeritus Professor, 4 March 2016

A senior academic figure in Switzerland says the Alpine state needs to be more assertive in protecting its banking sector and condemns what he sees as the double standards of countries such as the US.

The following opinion item, written by Philippe […]

(English) Common Reporting Standard must include all major financial centres to be effective, warns the IFC Forum

February 25, 2016

Written by IFC Forum

Published in Legal

The global tax compliance landscape has significantly evolved in recent years as governments, international bodies and financial institutions have come together to share information to tackle cross-border tax evasion. Most recently, the OECD launched the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) to fight international tax evasion. Over […]

(English) Forget Panama, try Belgium for a cozy tax deal

The European Commission has concluded that selective tax advantages granted by Belgium under its ‘excess profit’ tax scheme are illegal under EU state aid rules.

George M. Mangion Published on Malta Today 3 March 2016, 8:03am

The European Commission is looking at Member States to assess compliance with EU state aid […]