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(English) Testimonial of Francisca Nordi – IRS Hearing

May 18, 2011


“Good morning. My name is Francisca Mordi, and I am vice president and senior tax counsel at the American Bankers Association.”

(English) Testimonial of J. Thomas Cardwell – IRS Hearing

May 18, 2011


“Thank you, lady and gentlemen. I’m Tom Cardwell. I am the commissioner of financial regulation for the state of Florida, and I appear before you today as a public official who has the responsibility for the safety and soundness of the institutions that are chartered in our state.” […]

(English) Comments on Proposed IRS Regulation REG-146097-09 Regarding Reporting Interest Paid to Nonresident Alien Individuals

May 28, 2011

Stephen J. Entin:

“My name is Stephen J. Entin. I am President and Executive Director of the Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation. Before joining IRET, I served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, Department of the Treasury, from 1981 to 1988. rom 1975 to 1981, […]

(English) Testimonial of Alex Sanchez – IRS Hearing

May 18, 2011

Alex Sanchez:

“Good morning. My name is Alex Sanchez,

president and CEO of the Florida Bankers Association. Thank you for this opportunity for us to testify against the IRS proposal on the reporting of interest earned by nonresident aliens.”


(English) Business in The Beltway

Money & Politics

From Dan J. Mitchell

Lawmakers Fight IRS Proposal For Banks To Report Interest Earned By Foreigners

There hasn’t been much good economic news in recent years, but one bright spot for the economy is that the United States is a haven for foreign investors and this has helped attract more than $10 […]

(English) CF&P Applauds Congressional Effort to Rein in IRS and Prevent Implementationof Destructive Regulation

From The Center for Freedom and Prosperity

(Washington, D.C., Wednesday, July 20, 2011) The Center for Freedom and Prosperity (CF&P) is applauding the recent introduction of legislation (H.R. 2568) that will prevent the IRS from implementing an unnecessary and destructive regulation. The bipartisan legislation filed July 15th by Congressmen Bill Posey (R-FL) and Gregory Meeks […]

(English) Senator Levin’s Latest Attack on Low-Tax Jurisdictions Would Backfire on American Competitiveness and Exacerbate FATCA Damage from The Center for Freedom and Prosperity

(Washington, D.C., Tuesday, July 12, 2011) In what is becoming an annual summer tradition, Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) introduced today legislation persecuting low-tax jurisdictions. His so-called Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act would not only fail in its stated purpose of raising new revenues, according to Andrew Quinlan of the Center for Freedom and Prosperity, but […]