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Colombia, la OCDE y el exabrupto galo


By Alvaro Tomas

Faced with the impossible task of negotiating the signing of a treaty to avoid double taxation between Panama and Colombia, I would like to clarify my position in opposing the signing of any such agreement that would result in the automatic exchange of tax information with that country. It would […]

(English) Letter from James Bacchus to Jose Angel Gurria

OMC falla a favor de Panamá en pugna comercial con Colombia

Reuters Fri Nov 27, 2015 (Adds Colombia saying it will appeal)

GENEVA Nov 27 A World Trade Organization dispute panel ruled against Colombia’s tariff on textiles, clothes and shoes on Friday, dismissing its argument that the measures were needed to fight -money laundering.

The WTO panel backed a complaint from Colombia’s neighbour Panama that the […]