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Panamá presentará queja ante la Comisión Europea

The commission has listed Panama as a tax haven.

By Roberto González Jiménez

La Prensa

26 jun 2015

Panama yesterday issued a statement criticizing the decision of the European Commission (EC) placing the country on a blacklist of tax havens.

In a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the government said it: “categorically rejects […]

(English) Deconstructing the European Union’s Convoluted New Attack on “Tax Havens”

June 22, 2015 by Dan Mitchell

Europe is suffering from economic stagnation caused in part by excessive fiscal burdens.

So what are European policy makers doing to address this problem?

If you think the answer might have something to do with a shift to responsible fiscal policy, you obviously have no familiarity with Europe’s […]

En defensa de Panamá y su economía

By Alvaro Tomas

This past February, Australian lawyer Dr. Terry Dwyer wrote an extremely important article to help in the understanding of OECD’s attacks against countries such as Panama and what these attacks mean for the international legal order. The distinguished jurist resides and practices in a country that is a member of the OECD, […]

(English) Tax haven blacklist omits Luxembourg as Brussels announces reform plans

By Simon Bowers and Arthur Neslen

Published on The Guardian:

Wednesday 17 June 2015

European commission continues drive to combat ‘sweetheart deals’ granted to multinationals but critics say watered down proposals may open new tax breaks

‘We are using outdated tools to respond to the challenges of a digitalised, globalised economy,’ […]

La guerra sobre la privacidad – ¿se puede oponer a la Norma de Información Común de la OCDE ( Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos)?

By Dr. Terence Dwyer

Published on Offshore Investment

February 2015