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Comunicado al país del Consejo Nacional de la Empresa Privada (CONEP)

The National Council of Private Enterprise (CONEP), which is made up of the most representative business associations of the country’s productive sector, views with great concern the actions carried out by the Treasury Department of the United States Government which are damaging the principle of legal certainty and the rights to free speech and free […]

Proyecto Senador Levin: Conozca A Su Cliente

EXPOSICION DE MOTIVOS La primera vez que Levin presentó este proyecto fue en el 2006 luego del demoledor Informe de la GAO contra las corporaciones y LLC de EE.UU. por no exigir la identidad del cliente o beneficiario de las personas jurídicas. Esta legislación no fue aprobada. Se volvió a presentar […]

OMC falla a favor de Panamá en pugna comercial con Colombia

Reuters Fri Nov 27, 2015 (Adds Colombia saying it will appeal)

GENEVA Nov 27 A World Trade Organization dispute panel ruled against Colombia’s tariff on textiles, clothes and shoes on Friday, dismissing its argument that the measures were needed to fight -money laundering.

The WTO panel backed a complaint from Colombia’s neighbour Panama that the […]

Comunicado aclaratorio sobre aplicación de intercambio de información automática

The Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Panama published a note dated October 31st, 2015, clarifying the Panamanian position regarding the recent automatic exchange of information agreement, before the international community and users of the financial platform and services. The note states that our country has announced its commitment to employ the mechanism […]