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(English) Global Surveillance of Dirty Money: Assessing Assessments of Regimes to Control Money-Laundering and Combat the Financing of Terrorism

By Terence C. Halliday, Michael Levi, and Peter Reuter

January 30, 2014

On the verge of the 4th round of assessments by the FATF global system, serious doubts are being raised about the effectiveness of regulations and potential adverse consequences of Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Finance of Terrorism (CFT) regimes. […]

(English) The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Will Fail To Curb Tax Evasion

By Andrew Quinlan

This article appeared in Forbes on March 16, 2014

Tax administration is experiencing a global upheaval. The 2010 passage of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) – which includes costly demands on foreign financial institutions to report information on US clients to the IRS and large penalties for noncompliance […]