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Discurso de investidura del nuevo presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump

January 20th, 017 “Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans and people of the world, thank you. We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people. Together, we will determine the course […]

Comunicado al país del Consejo Nacional de la Empresa Privada (CONEP)

The National Council of Private Enterprise (CONEP), which is made up of the most representative business associations of the country’s productive sector, views with great concern the actions carried out by the Treasury Department of the United States Government which are damaging the principle of legal certainty and the rights to free speech and free […]

OMC reitera fallo a favor de Panamá

Luis Bellini

08 jun 2016 – 06:35h

La Prensa

The World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled yesterday in favor of Panama in a dispute with Colombia over the application of a joint tariff on imports of textiles, clothing and footwear that was adopted in March 2013 by the South American country.

The body upheld […]

GAO (Oficina de Rendición de Cuentas del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos)

Highlights of GAO-06-376, a report to the Collected and Available Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate:

Proyecto Senador Levin: Conozca A Su Cliente

EXPOSICION DE MOTIVOS La primera vez que Levin presentó este proyecto fue en el 2006 luego del demoledor Informe de la GAO contra las corporaciones y LLC de EE.UU. por no exigir la identidad del cliente o beneficiario de las personas jurídicas. Esta legislación no fue aprobada. Se volvió a presentar […]

Comunicado aclaratorio sobre aplicación de intercambio de información automática

The Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Panama published a note dated October 31st, 2015, clarifying the Panamanian position regarding the recent automatic exchange of information agreement, before the international community and users of the financial platform and services. The note states that our country has announced its commitment to employ the mechanism […]

Panamá presentará queja ante la Comisión Europea

The commission has listed Panama as a tax haven.

By Roberto González Jiménez

La Prensa

26 jun 2015

Panama yesterday issued a statement criticizing the decision of the European Commission (EC) placing the country on a blacklist of tax havens.

In a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the government said it: “categorically rejects […]

Por una política exterior digna

Por Adolfo Linares

Publicado en La Prensa

Jueves 11 de septiembre de 2014

A finales de 2013, el titular de la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales de Colombia (DIAN) declaró la intención de incluir a Panamá, de forma automática, en una lista de “paraísos fiscales”, si para el mes de septiembre de 2014 no […]

Aprueban derogación de cambios fiscales establecidos en la Ley No. 120

La Prensa

8/1/2014 12:46 PM

The plenary of the National Assembly approved today on third debate the draft law which repeals controversial articles of the tax reforms passed late last year.

The proposal was endorsed unanimously by both the government and opposition.

The modification to the tax law would have extended liability for all Panama […]

Panamá: centro financiero?