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Carta a Jeffrey Owens

Panama, September 3, 2009

Mr. Jeffrey Owens Director – CTP OECD France

Dear Mr. Owens:

The OECD is not a true international organization as are, among others, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The OECD is no more than a club or cartel of 30 […]

(English) Letter to the Editor of the New York Times – April 3rd, 08

Panama , April 3, 2008

To the Editor of the New York Times:

Carter Dougherty article Trying to Get the Swiss to Talk ( 03/29/08 ) forgets that Switzerland is a non conformist member of the OECD that opposes the OECD on the exchange of Tax […]

Carta al Secretario General de la OCDE

Panama, October 6th, 2009 Mr. Jose Angel Gurria General Secretary OECD

Dear Mr. Gurría:

The global economic crisis, which was provoked by the bad regulation of financial markets and that has already caused millions of job losses throughout the world (there are already more than 15 million in the U.S.), has united the […]

(English) Letter to New York Times – March 14th, 08

Panama, March 14, 2008

Messrs. New York Times United States of America

Dear Messrs.:

I hereby refer to the editorial published on your February 25, 2008 issue (“Liechtenstein’s Friendly Bankers”), and to Carter Dougherty’s article dated February 27, 2008. The contents of these articles seem to indicate […]

Carta al Editor del Financial Times

February 29th, 2008

To the Editor of Financial Times:

I make reference to the article “A Tax haven that needs to clean up its act”, published in your February 20, 2008 issue, whose author is Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). It captures the attention […]