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Ley de retorsión para Colombia

By Erick Simpson Aguilera

October 15th, 2014

According to Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia, to declare Panama a tax haven “is not a decision against Panama, but a measure to prosecute tax evaders.“

According to President Santos, we as Panamanians should interpret as positive and favorable the negative effects of the measure, […]

Por una política exterior digna

A finales de 2013, el titular de la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales de Colombia (DIAN) declaró la intención de incluir a Panamá, de forma automática, en una lista de “paraísos fiscales”, si para el mes de septiembre de 2014 no se concreta un acuerdo de intercambio de información fiscal, con base al Decreto […]

Por una política exterior digna

Por Licenciado Adolfo Linares

Publicado por el diario La Prensa

Septiembre 16, 2014

A finales de 2013, el titular de la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales de Colombia (DIAN) declaró la intención de incluir a Panamá, de forma automática, en una lista de “paraísos fiscales”, si para el mes de septiembre de 2014 no […]

Panamá tiene la razón moral

By Roberto González Jimenez

Published by La Prensa

September 3rd, 2014

Panama must present moral arguments in order to resist the pressure from organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and countries like the United States (EU) on the topic of tax information exchange.

This is the opinion of Dan Mitchell, […]

Normas fiscales de la OCDE- propuesta que amenaza la soberanía y la privacidad en los Estados Unidos.

Posted By Andrew F. Quinlan On 2:19 PM 02/04/2014 In | No Comments

Tax reform was a popular topic among politicians and members of the media in 2013. Americans suffering in the still weak economy and feeling beleaguered by recent tax hikes were no doubt disappointed that it remained just that – talk. […]

Tirando Piedras con Techo de Vidrio

By Alvaro E. Tomas

La Prensa

July 28, 2013


A few days ago I attended a forum of the Panamanian Association of Business Executives (APEDE) called “Panama’s Financial Centre: threats and challenges”. The moderator, Alberto Padilla from CNN, made the mistake of starting the forum asking the panelists for opinions on whether they […]

Hong Kong se levanta ante la Amenaza del FATCA

By Andrew Quinlan, December 7th 2012

The chief executive of Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission is warning against allowing US and European fiscal imperialism in Asia.

The boss of Hong Kong’s financial watchdog has called for the authorities to take a greater role in global regulatory dialogue to prevent the […]